Courses Basic Management Skills

Basic Management Skills

Introduction to the most important business skills and the art of effective and efficient management.

Course type: Online course
Course duration: 5 hours
Language: English
Level: Introductory
Awards: Certificate
Access: Lifetime access

$ 39.90

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Skills you will learn

   Basics of team leadership and development

   Competence in strategic decision making and negotiation

   Basics of project, crisis and time management

About course

Management and leadership skills are essential for long-term success in today’s business world. This course will teach you how to manage organizations and empower people. You will learn different leadership models, discover different leadership styles and understand how teams develop.

You will also learn the basics of project management, change management and time management. This course will teach you how to deal with crises, how to make better decisions and how to become a superior and more effective negotiator.

You will also receive short case studies from Apple, Microsoft and the University of Oxford which summarize the key features of this course.

100% Online

Click through the eye-catching and award-winning course content.

100% time flexible

Immediate start:
study when, where
and how fast you want.

Learn new skills

Thanks to compact tutorial lessons you will learn new skills faster than ever before.

Get your certificate

After completing this course, download your personal certificate