Master basic business skills in a few hours
Choose from 28 certified online short courses

Start your career.
Get your first certificate for free.
All you have to do is register and we will add
the Essential Management Skills course to your account.
Build essential, employable business skills
Our courses have been designed by experts in the field so that you can get the knowledge that top companies want.
Acquire knowledge faster
than ever before
Compact tutorials allow you to learn business skills quickly and efficiently.
Study according
to your own schedule
Get lifetime access to online courses at your own pace so that you can decide when and where to study.
Get your certificate
After you complete each course successfully, there will be a very valuable digital certificate waiting for you. You can study several courses at once in the same program, thus obtaining a complete program certificate. Thanks to it, you can increase your value on the market, make your CV stronger and present your newly learned knowledge on the social network LinkedIn or in practice.

Your experiences

Thank you! I finally found courses that allow me to be a better business manager. It was money very well invested. Great!

Really interesting! Thanks to the Strategic Management course I learned how to manage my team better and how to motivate it.

Project management courses really surprised me. I thought it would be boring, but it was fast, short and dynamic. It swallowed me and I'm looking forward to the next course!

Thanks to the Innovation Management course I finally know what changes I will make to get my business growing. Highly recommended!

Wow! The courses are designed very well and you will find a lot of useful information there. In only 3 hours you will learn more than at the university in a whole year.

I have been in business for several years, but thanks to these courses I have learned many new things. I found out that it is always necessary to get educated. Great!

These courses gave me the courage to quit the work I had not enjoyed for a long time. I have had a job that I really enjoy for half a year now.

Very good! I'm glad that I got what I expected from the courses. The way of providing information is at a high level.

I mentioned the Mini-MBA certificate from Business Management courses on LinkedIn. My current employer noticed me there. Thanks to you, I got my dream job. Thanks!