Courses Crisis Management

Crisis Management

Introduction to the most important skills and the most used tools of finance, budgeting and financial accounting.

Course type: Online course
Course duration: 5 hours
Language: English
Level: Introductory
Awards: Certificate
Access: Lifetime access

$ 39.90

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Skills you will learn

   Learn how to prepare for a crisis with the Crisis Management Plan (CMP) and the Crisis Preparedness Matrix

   Successfully manage the crisis with an effective Incident Command System (ICS) and clear communication strategies

   Learn the critical tasks and skills that leaders need to handle during a crisis

About course

You cannot avoid or accurately predict a crisis. Crisis management is the process by which an organization solves a significant incident that threatens to damage the organization, its stakeholders or the general public.

This course examines how governmental organizations and private companies around the world have prepared for crisis, how they responded when it happened and whether they have learned from the past. This course will provide you with useful insights and practical skills for navigating at critical moments – before, during and after crisis strikes.

100% Online

Click through the eye-catching and award-winning course content.

100% time flexible

Immediate start:
study when, where
and how fast you want.

Learn new skills

Thanks to compact tutorial lessons you will learn new skills faster than ever before.

Get your certificate

After completing this course, download your personal certificate